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Tuesday 24 June 2014

1st post !
It gives me great pleasure and honor to warmly welcome you all to my brand new initiative. They say the first lines are always hardly born. I cannot agree more. 
I have been thinking of weeks of what to start. Frankly speaking, I did not want to create another one ordinary blog and I could say I owe the launching of this site to many of my friends who for a long time have been encouraging me to create a unique page dedicated to a variety of matters, all of them offering optimism, self-confidence and demonstrating the bright side of life. This does not necessarily means wealth, luxury or branding, but rather stunning simplicity, good health, ravishing personality, cool attitude, inspirational ideas and sui generis experiences as well. I could say that French people call it ''allure''. 
I will share with you aspects of this in  The Visual Confidence, soon it will turn into a website.  
We will see together upscale and highly intricate creations, catwalk editorials, intriguing shoots & ads, enticing seasonal food, spontaneous simplicity, readings worth reading and writing about, iconoclastic perspectives as well, all in a good quality press blog. The pages will be all filled with an explosion of contemporary & vintage resources from the crème de la crème of the media globally.
During this journey I really need your experiences and support too..

So are you ready ? We have just begun -Welcome! ! !

                                                                    The Visual Confidence.


Different Themes
Written by The Visual Confidence

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